Safety Center

Kenya Tourism Federation Safety & Communication Centre (KTF-SCC)

Established in 1998, KTF-SCC, the premier tourism safety & communication coordination center in Kenya has greatly contributed to the drastic drop in reported tourist related incidents in the country. The SCC disseminates safety & security advice to tourists and tourism operators, and coordinates timely and appropriate response during tourist related incidents anywhere in the country.

Through an extensive network of tourism operators, KTF-SCC monitors the security situation in the country with particular emphasis on the tourism circuits, and receives alerts on any security incidents or concerns in the circuits. Based on the alert, the SCC, through its extensive communication capability which includes industry telephone contacts database, HF Radio, email and social media, circulates safety advice to tourism operators, e.g. safe alternative routes, and, through established linkages with the relevant institutions such as Tourist Police Unit, the Department of Tourism, Kenya Wildlife Service and air ambulance service providers, activates timely response where needed, e.g. evacuation of the affected to Hospital or to safety.   During elevated risk periods such as elections and the reported terrorism incidents, vigilance is heightened with more frequent alerts and advice to safeguard the industry.

Owing to these measures, Kenya is among the countries that record the lowest rates of tourist related incidents.

The number of reported tourist related incidents in the first half of 2014 was 2, a 60% drop compared to a similar period in 2013 when 5 was reported. Total reported incidents in 2013 stood at 7, a 36.4% drop compared to 11 reported in 2012.

The total number of incidents reported for the 4 years 2010 – 2013 total 81, a 70% drop compared to the four year period 1999 – 2002 immediately following the establishment of KTF-SCC, when a total of 270 incidents was reported.

To ensure effective monitoring of the circuits and to provide timelyv assistance as the need arises, KTF-SCC is operational 24/7.

KTF-SCC also provides tourists planning to visit the country with useful information regarding requirements for travel to Kenya such as vaccinations required, visa requirement, safety advise e.g. to book with licensed travel operators that have membership with the respective trade associations as these are bound by set codes of ethics & standards.


Kenya Tourism Federation was formed by the private sector in tourism in Kenya in 1996, and formally became operational in 1998 with the launch of the Safety & Communication Center (KTF-SCC).

Communication Centre was created to achieve the following objectives:-
  • A countrywide communication network for tourism operatives to report for follow-up and record of any emergencies that may occur (sickness, accident, robbery etc.)
  • A tourist emergency command and control centre
  • Professional staff to assist tourists with the necessary formalities in case of an incident and provide the necessary follow-up.
  • A source of information on prevailing conditions (roads, weather, safety etc.) in any intended destination.
  • A co-ordination Centre between the tourism industry and relevant organizations/bodies including Police, Kenya Wildlife Service, Flying Doctors/AMREF etc.
  • A monitoring unit for reported and non-reported incidents involving tourism.

The Centre is currently operating on a high Frequency (HF) radio network on three dedicated emergency frequencies namely:- 10650 kHz (USB), 5853 kHz (LSB); dedicated to receiving emergency and incident reports. Two mobile numbers, 0738617499 and 0722745645 further enhance
this capability. The Operations Control Room is manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by qualified personnel. We have a secondary base station in Mombasa manned 24 hrs and currently housed by Southerncross Safaris MSA and their contacts are 041 475074, 473533,474950 alternatively one
can contact our coast security officer Mr. M Muriithi on 0722745644


  • The centre, since its inception has dealt with several direct tourist related incidents and indirect tourist related incidents.
  • In court, we have followed up conclusions of many cases and are monitoring more.
  • The centre offers a factual and well researched source of information on tourist related incidents and provides PR control in collaboration with other tourism institutions such as Kenya Tourism Board.  These efforts contribute to ensuring that travel advisories issued take into
    account factual information.
  • The centre has established key relations with diplomatic staff of the main tourist source markets
  • The centre enjoys positive working relations with the security arms of the government.
  • The industry has a credible source of safety information that lead to informed decisions